Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Article Writing Services: How to Find the Best One for You

Recently Google has done Panda/Farmer update, and many website owners are rushing to find suitable article writers for them to keep their supremacy. This Panda/Farmer update by Google basically rewards websites which have original quality content with good page ranking and penalizes websites with copied or PLR (private label rights) contents with low page rankings. Thus website and blog owners are rushing to find quality article writers to get quality fresh contents and also to improve the quality of the existing contents in their websites. Thus suddenly there is huge demand for quality article writers and/or quality article writing services. Entrepreneurs are trying all options available to find the best ones, but they find it difficult to get through as most of the quality writers are booked for months in advance. Many article writers have doubled or tripled their charges, and many small business owners just cannot pay that much of money. Is there any way out?
Entrepreneurs should consider the following options to find good writers to work for them:
1. Outsourcing Sites: If enough time is available, say about one month before you want to receive the articles, you may go to freelancing sites like Elance, oDesk, or Guru. There are many other outsourcing sites as well; however, these are established ones. Employers can register and then put advertisement in the websites asking for bids for the specific projects they would like to hire article writers for. There are scores of people who bid for the projects. You have to choose the right one for you. Usually the payment made by the employers are secured in escrow accounts, and thus many article writers find it convenient to work through these outsourcing sites as the payment is secured. However, scores of people vie for projects and they often try to undercut each other, thus the standard price quoted for projects here are often lower and that forces many quality writers to stay away from them. Often bidders from low-cost countries quote prices that are unbelievable to people bidding from the high-cost countries. Choosing bidders only by the low price may backfire at the end. You should be wise enough to understand the eligibility and background of the bidders from their profiles. Some outsourcing sites offer free tests in relevant areas, and many article writers take these tests. If you are not sure of the quality, you may check out the test scores of the bidders.
2. Buy-Article Sites: Sites like Constant-Content or Associated Content gives you the option of posting your proposal or buy articles directly from scores of article writers who keep their articles ready for sale there. Many writers write many articles on popular topics, set the price, and display the gist of the article, which you can read, choose, and buy. If you do not find any article ready for you, you can post your project. Articles in these websites are said to be of better quality and found to be costly as well. However, may writers do not prefer these websites as the selection process of the articles seems to be too strict and are rejected for small reasons. In addition, these sites keep about one third of the sale proceedings and that puts off many writers.
3. Reference: Do you know somebody who is getting their articles written by others? Can they recommend somebody for you?
4. Internet Research: A lot of article writers regularly post about their services in sites like Craigslist or local business listing websites. You can browse the relevant pages and get somebody offering the service, living very close to where you live!
5. Advertisements: Experienced writers believe in advertising. Many article writers make it a habit of spending about 10% of their earnings in paid advertisements. Thus some time you can find good article writers or article-writing services in Google or other search engines. Many article writers put their advertisements in high-traffic websites frequented by internet entrepreneurs, e.g., sitepoint or warriorforum, etc. You can find many writers in these sites who are found to be quite reliable and experienced.
6. Writer's Website: Usually writers keep a specific website dedicated for their writing business and usually that site is hosted in a domain that matches the writer's name. These websites detail everything that you are looking for, the services offered by the writer, rates, availability, samples, etc. Active and trained writers prefer to update their blogs regularly, thus you can visit the blog section of the website to understand what the writer is up to. You can get contact details of the writer from the website, and you can shoot an email to them immediately
If you want to play safe and play long-term, you may consider working with a few people and then zoom down on those who are suitable to your needs and keep working with them.
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